Your quest for toanz have brought you to Caroline's HAWAIIAN PIZZA!! A bespoke artisanal blockchain of handcrafted tone, the sonic equivalent of a forbidden delicacy, all from just three knobs and the truth*.
Caroline discovered this circuit in the discarded manila file folders of their old multinational overlords, the Caroline Corporation, alongside all kinds of very 1970s corporate villainy and sci-fi plans for world domination. The pedal was then dreamed, designed and created at our small batch distortery™ in Columbia, S.C. So thank you for supporting our work!
*(it’s really a fuzz, but a really versatile one)
This pedal is based on a classic fuzz-drive that John Snyder (EAE) and Caroline really elaborated on. First off, the three highly interactive controls create a whole lot of sonic range. It’s still simple and immediate to use, and reveals more and more versatility in its scope as you turn the knobs. It can do treble booster, crunchy amp-like drives, full-on fuzz, and even some broken gated stuff. While capable of that searing silicon transistor sound, it can be incredibly sweet, singing, and smooth at higher gains by backing down the voltage (pineapple) control. It also features an internal “fake guitar pickup” so its performance is not affected by feeds from buffers or wireless units like other similar pedals of this type would be.
Key Features:
- Simple and immediate to use
- Can crunch, boost or full blown fuzz
- Internal ''fake guitar pickup'' so to no be affected by buffers or wireless units