Band & Orchestral

Discover your musical voice with our collection of band and orchestral instruments. Explore a wide range of brass, woodwind, string, and orchestral instruments to find the perfect fit for your musical journey. We also offer instrument accessories and expert repair services.

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Yamaha YRS24B Recorder

$11.95 RRP$17.99

Al Cass Valve Oil

$10.95 RRP$12.95

Vandoren Clarinet Reeds 10 Pack

$49.95 RRP$64.95

Yamaha YCL255 Clarinet

$849.00 RRP$1,099.00

Rico Clarinet Reeds Nova 10 Pack

$35.00 RRP$42.99

Yamaha YFL212 Flute

$939.00 RRP$1,199.00

Rico Alto Saxophone Reeds Nova 10 Pack

$49.00 RRP$59.99

Vandoren Alto Sax Reeds 10 Pack

$65.00 RRP$82.95

Xtreme MS105 Music Stand


Xtreme MST95 Orchestral Music Stand
Sold out
Xtreme MST95 Orchestral Music Stand

$49.00 RRP$55.00

Yamaha Venova YVS-100

$159.00 RRP$179.99

Yamaha YTR2330 Trumpet

$849.00 RRP$1,099.00

Rico Clarinet Reeds 3 Pack

$13.50 RRP$14.99

SuperSlick Tuning Slide Grease

$5.00 RRP$5.95

Xtreme MS75 Music Stand


Yamaha YFL222 Flute

$869.00 RRP$1,099.00

Stagg Orchestral Music Stand

$46.95 RRP$55.00

Vandoren Clarinet Reeds 3 Pack

$18.00 RRP$20.95

Vandoren Alto Sax Reeds 3 Pack

$21.00 RRP$25.95

Rico Alto Saxophone Reeds 3 Pack

$17.95 RRP$21.99

Rico Cork Grease


Konig & Meyer K&M 15228 Clarinet Stand
Sold out
Konig & Meyer K&M 15228 Clarinet Stand

$39.95 RRP$47.75

Rico Royal Clarinet Reeds 10 Pack

$36.00 RRP$44.99

Yamaha YAS280 Alto Saxophone

$1,999.00 RRP$2,599.00