
Take advantage of our exclusive specials, featuring a wide variety of instruments on sale that cater to musicians of all levels.

Take advantage of our exclusive specials, featuring a wide variety of instruments and accessories on sale that cater to musicians of all levels. Whether you're a beginner looking to start your musical journey or a seasoned player seeking to upgrade your gear, our special offers on musical instruments and accessories provide the perfect opportunity to find high-quality options at unbeatable prices. From guitars and keyboards to amplifiers, headphones, and microphones, with our range of limited-time specials you can shop with the confidence of getting the best deal on musical instruments, pro audio equipment and more.

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Shure SM58 Dynamic Vocal Microphone

$179.00 RRP$269.00

Shure SM57 Dynamic Instrument Microphone

$179.00 RRP$269.00

Sennheiser e935 Vocal Microphone

$199.00 RRP$299.00

Sennheiser HD200 PRO

$109.00 RRP$149.00

Boss RC1 Loop Station

$159.00 RRP$199.00

Shure Beta 58A

$279.00 RRP$429.00

Sennheiser e945 Vocal Microphone

$219.00 RRP$299.00

Yamaha Reface CP

$579.00 RRP$699.99


$59.00 RRP$109.00

Yamaha DTX402K PLUS Electronic Drum Kit

$769.00 RRP$949.99


$165.00 RRP$199.00

Steinberg UR44C

$429.00 RRP$579.99

Sennheiser ME2 Lapel Mic

$129.00 RRP$239.00

Shure Beta 57A

$239.00 RRP$359.00

Sennheiser MZW1 Windscreen

$17.95 RRP$37.95

Boss RC-5

$295.00 RRP$399.00

MIDAS MR18 Rack Mount Digital Mixer

$1,195.00 RRP$1,299.00

AKG P120

$119.00 RRP$219.00

QSC K12.2
Sold out
QSC K12.2

$1,799.00 RRP$2,299.00

Sennheiser MKH416-P48

$1,349.00 RRP$1,859.00

Boss RC-500

$499.00 RRP$659.00

Erica Synths LXR-02

$899.00 RRP$949.00

Franklin Audio SS-6 Stereo Input Switcher

$399.00 RRP$510.00

Neumann KH80 DSP (Each)

$729.00 RRP$1,049.00