Suitable for children aged 4 to 8 years and all types of pianos including electric pianos, digital pianos and piano keyboards. No prior knowledge of how to read music or playing the piano is required to teach a child to learn to play piano from this book.
Comes with instructions to receive free online video & audio demonstrating all examples. See and hear how each one is played, then play along. See and hear how each one is played by a teacher, then play along with the backing band. Also includes music score and piano animation for easy music learning.
Teach your child:
How to play piano notes for kids and piano scales for kids
All the fundamental techniques of piano playing including correct posture, hand position and fingering technique for playing five notes with the left hand and five notes with the right hand
Basic piano theory for kids including how to read music including note values, rests and time signatures
Piano tips for kids that every child should know when learning piano
Shortcuts for how to learn piano fast by getting the most from piano practice sessions
Contains everything you need to know about how to teach a child to play piano today.
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